
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Water Reflection Tutorial in photoshop

Water Reflection Tutorial

Water Reflection Tutorial
Photoshop Photo Effects Tutorials

In this basic photoshop cs tutorial we will create a ripple reflection of text in water. The elements we will use to do this are photoshop text effects and motion blur filters.
1. Open an image of a lake or ocean that you would like to manipulate. Make sure your image is in RGB mode. To check this, go to Image under the menu bar > Mode > RGB Color. Type in your desired text using a thick font.
2. On your text layer. Right click and select Rasterize Text to conver the text to a graphic.
3. Make a duplicate of this layer.
4. We are now going to flip the duplicated layer. Select the duplicated layer. From the edit menu go to Transform > Flip Vertical. We will also need to transform the height for this layer. Go to the Edit Menu > Transform > Distrot. Transform the Height to 75% the original size.
5. Make sure your layer is still selected then go to the Filter Menu > Distort > Ripple with a value of 300.
6. We are now going to add a motion blur. To do this go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur with angle of 0 degrees and distance of 15.
7. Finally, change the opacity of the rippled layer to 60 percent.

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